
Auszug aus Billinger & Schulz:
UNLIKELY CREATURES (II) we dance for you

Foto von Tänzerin (c) Florian Krauß

Our country really is great, because we are good. And we are going to respect one another, lift each other up. We are going to be looking for ways to celebrate our diversity and we are going to try to reach out to every boy and girl as well as every adult to bring them into working on behalf of our country. - Nach dem ersten "Hallo" hat’s mi ghabt sowieso, A Engerl und a Teiferl, das is a so, Hast mir a Busserl gebn, i hab mi nimma länger gfragt, Was so a Engerle wohl mag. Hand in Hand zoagt sie mia dann di Himmelstür, Jetzt war mia klar, dass das koa Engerl woar, Hätt i gwusst, was passiert, wär i net so verwirrt, Wenn so a Engerl ohne Flügel fliagt. - I can tell you. It’s tough. It’s nasty. It’s mean. It’s vicious. It’s beautiful. When you win, it’s beautiful. And we’re going to start, we are going to start winning for our country. We are going to start winning. I can tell you. It’s tough. It’s nasty. It’s mean. It’s vicious. It’s beautiful. When you win, it’s beautiful. - And I wanna say thank you for everything you’ve done these past years. But please, please just treat people with love and treat people with compassion and treat people with respect, and I will do the same for you. - This is a repeat-after-me-song: Everywhere we go – –, people want to know – –, who we are – –, so we tell them – –, we are the girl guides – –, the mighty mighty girl guides – –. And if you can’t hear us – –, we’ll sing a little louder! – – Everywhere we go – –, people want to know – –, who we are – –, so we tell them – –, we are the girl guides – –, the mighty mighty girl guides – –. And if you can’t hear us – –, we’ll sing a little quieter. – –Everywhere we go – –, - Si renen überall. Sie renen überall. Si rennen überall. Sy rennen überall. Syi renen überall. Sy rinen überall. Syi rien überall. Sie rien überall. Si rinen überall. Sie rinnen überall. Si renen überall. Sie renen überall. Si rennen überall. Sy rennen überall. Syi renen überall. Sy rinen überall. Syi rien überall. Sie rien überall. Si rinen überall. Sie rinnen überall. Si renen überall. - Alright, ok, everybody, how you all doin’ today, great, ok, alright… Alright, Pete, let me go ahead and hear your kickdrum please.